Aguinaldo Perrone (September 24, 1967), art name Aguin, is an Italian graphic artist. His work is characterized by a humorous simplicity. Self-taught, more than twenty years, he had a passion for the graphic art of the so-called Cartellonisti (poster designers, 1930-1960) and for the avant-garde of Futurism, which have inspired his drawings and his intense art production.

His drawings, minimalist for the use of two colours, red and blue, are a free interpretation of known or lesser-known brands, real or imagined. They involve the audience with amusing irony in the artist’s creative itinerary leading him on a timeless journey which suggests a type of réclame away from the cliché of modern advertising. Known to criticism for the collection of his works which includes drawings on paper, oils on wood and small wood sculptures, the artist has been recognized as the expression of “creativity across the board, which drops from pedestal and is not ashamed to compete with the commercial sphere”.